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A Light Unto My Path

Cheryl Balcom

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

The brilliant morning sun pours in through the windows on our main floor.

I empty the last of my coffee into the sink and place my cup in the dishwasher. As I do, I notice once again how the light coming through the windows highlights the stray crumbs on the counter, the dust on the cabinets, the dirt on the floor.

I sigh. The sunlight is beautiful, don’t get me wrong. But it annoys me how it illuminates all the cleaning that needs to be done.

I know that if I wait just an hour or so, the sun will be in a different position and the “evidence” will no longer be obvious to me; I will feel much better about my kitchen.

I pull out the broom anyway.

If the sunlight did not shine onto my floor like this, would I know where to sweep? Or would I be satisfied with the condition of the floor and think no work was needed?

I ponder this concept, to the rhythm of my broom, and find it similar to the power of God’s word.

Like the sun streaming through my kitchen windows, God’s word illuminates the “dirt” that needs to be addressed in my life. My own self-review can be deceiving; my heart is not to be trusted. (Jeremiah 17:9)

But the Lord’s light defines the difference between He and I and points out my desperate need for Him – a need which He perfectly meets. And He makes clear the cleansing Way.

I put away the broom and pull out my Bible.

From its pages shine rays of conviction and of grace, and I am thankful.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:10


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