A cooling breeze on a sweltering day, you are blue sky and sun, Lord,
after months of gray.
You fill me and carry me, speak love to my soul.
You heal me and comfort me, renew and make whole.
I breathe You in and sing You out -
if I remain silent, your creation cries out!
What is man, that you are mindful of him?
The son of man, that you care for him?
The colors of the birds, their songs so pure,
the flowers spreading joy, the green so sure.
Misty raindrops, lightning, thunder,
all bursting forth in glorious wonder.
I stand in awe, yet fall to my knees
at your grace, your beauty - You are the God who sees.
How can you treasure me, over all of this?
There is no way I can match the bliss
of your artistry, your painted stroke,
the vivid hues of startling hope.
So I will choose to receive it, your gift of love - free.
May the joy of creation be reminder to me.
