Remind me who you are, Lord,
as I lay here in the dark,
burdened with worry, cares, and fears
that weigh upon my heart.
Move my fingers to open your book
that tells me what is true -
not what needs to be known about me
but what needs to be known about You.
Open my eyes and show me again all the mighty deeds You've done,
Your holy power and attributes and the miracles of Your Son.
Remind me that You are the Maker; the Author and Perfecter of Life,
Remind me that You hung the moon and the stars; it's Your Son who provides the light.
Remind me that You are the Healer - that You make all things new.
You cover my sins of scarlet, and bring mercy with morning's dew.
Remind me again how You restore, You strengthen, and sustain;
Remind me of grace You pour out, free, refreshing me in Your name.
Remind me, Lord, of your sovereignty when I want to reign supreme;
Remind me that You are on the throne, and why that is no place for me:
Because I don't know what You know, Lord,
I can't see what You see.
I don't love the way You love;
Your ways are much higher than me.
Finally, Lord, remind me that You hold me in your hand,
and there I can rest, peacefully, in the palm of the great I AM.
I need to print this out and read it at 2 am when I am laying still worrying about every. single. thing. Thank you for this beautiful perspective, Cher. ❤️
And thank you, Lord, for giving Cheryl this gift of writing that glorifies You.
Peaceful, beautiful, and wonderful words to pray.